Schlabo's |
Yes, sure! But like displaying the SC of a single Alias/file this only works with SSI. The following HTML-Code will insert the total amount of downloads and available Aliases. <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/schlabo/"--> The script also displays HTML-code that you can specify before, between and after these values, for help on these settings of the General Admin-Script check out the "What's This?"-Help-Function in the General Admin-Script. On some servers (especially on NT-Servers) you have to use a different SSI-call to include a script. Try it if include virtual doesn't work: <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/schlabo/"--> Please note that most servers only parse files with the extension ".php" for SSI-calls. If your server does not parse the SSI-calls, try renaming the file where you want to include the scripts to ".php" or contact your administrator to change the configuration of the server. For a Top xx-Shown Pictures-list use the Guest-Stats!