0 Schlabo's Scripts

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 Q&A: Admin
 Q&A: DL
 Q&A: SP


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If you do already have Schlabo's Scripts v1.10 or v2.00 installed and would like to upgrade to v2.01 or if you want to add a script to an existing installation, please follow these instructions:

General Information

Do not download the full Schlabo's Scripts-Package because if you install that your settings will be lost (the databases will not be affected though).

The update-packages do not include the config-files and only the new image-files. The Auto-Update-script will either import the old ones from previous versions and update them to v2.01 or it will create new one if the script wasn't installed before.

All of the scripts have to be the same version, for example it's impossible to use Admin v2.01 and SP v1.10.

For a complete list of changes in v2.01 (Version History) go here.


Uploading the files

Download the update from the normal Download-page and check "Update from previous versions", upload the files in ASCII-Mode (if you were not using the standard-templates make sure that you don't upload the template-files otherwise do upload them as they have been improved), CHMOD all the files to 755 and CHMOD the config-files (config*.pl) to 777! Upload all the new images to the directory where you previously had them (recommended: /images/schlabo/).


Running Auto-Update

Type the URL of Auto-Update into your browser-window. It should be something like: "http://www.yoursite.com/cgi-bin/schlabo/auto_update.pl".


The script will then check which admin-scripts are installed and update the config-files if they can be found, otherwise it will create them from the scratch.


Checking the Settings

Enter Schlabo's Scripts through the link at the bottom. It's recommended that you go through the configuration-pages of all the scripts that you have installed to take a look at the new settings and if everything is configured as you want.

Congratulations, you're now using Schlabo's Scripts v2.01!